
JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs as well as the Head of Kompolnas Mahfud MD and the Chairman of the Indonesian Police Watch (IPW) Sugeng Teguh Santoso fulfilled the summons of the Honorary Court of the House of Representatives (MKD) yesterday.

Mahfud was asked for his statement regarding a statement on a YouTube account regarding the case of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

In that account, Mahfud gave a statement regarding Inspector General Ferdy Sambo having contacted a number of parties including members of the House of Representatives in making the scenario for the assassination of Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J.

However, Mahfud's statement was not fully quoted by a number of media. He explained the full version, namely that Ferdy Sambo had made preconditions by calling members of the DPR.

The former Head of the Propam Division, continued Mahfud, contacted members of the DPR so that those who were called would know beforehand and believe that a gunfight had taken place which led to the killing of Brigadier J in the Duren Tiga area, South Jakarta.

"I said there, actually Sambo had a scenario so that people would believe that a shootout occurred and he was wronged, for that he made a precondition. What was that precondition? Contacted several people. several more members of the DPR were there, I did not mention," said Mahfud in the DPR MKD room, Jakarta, Thursday, August 25.

Inspector General Ferdy Sambo shortly before undergoing an ethics trial at the Jakarta Police Headquarters on Thursday, August 25. (Polri Headquarters Public Relations Doc) a

Mahfud admitted that he knew the identity of the DPR member who was contacted by Ferdy Sambo. However, he made sure not to reveal who the figure was.

"I didn't mention it, because I don't know if there's going to be a trial that's in my pocket about that name, and I don't have to issue it for a number of reasons," he added.

Mahfud said the reason for not revealing the name was because according to him the DPR member did not violate the law. He received a call because Ferdy Sambo wanted to make an alibi for the assassination plot. "For example, if Sambo contacted you, it wasn't a violation, why should you be prosecuted?" he added.

Mahfud said it was unethical to mention his name because there was no communication after he found out about the chronology of Ferdy Sambo's fabrication of this case. He only emphasized that Ferdy Sambo's calls to a number of parties, including members of the DPR, were for the sake of engineering the case.

"But I confirm and I prove that Sambo and his entire network have indeed made a movement so that people believe and those who are contacted, one Kompolnas, the second Komnas HAM and the third, several editor-in-chief," said Mahfud.

"And I have called, and it's true. But I can't call this DPR," he said.

IPW Concerning the Flow of Funds to Members of the DPR

On the same occasion, IPW Chair Sugeng Teguh Santoso ensured that there was no flow of funds from Ferdy Sambo to members of the DPR to smooth out the scenario for the assassination of Brigadier J.

Sugeng admitted that at that time he only slipped his tongue when interviewed by journalists regarding the Ferdy Sambo case with the DPR.

"In essence, the Chairperson of IPW has clarified that what was conveyed was not intended to discredit. Second, there are no facts related to the flow of funds. It is only a form of statement that was made later, we have clarified it," said Sugeng when it was his turn to give clarification to MKD after Mahfud.

The day before Mahfud MD and Sugeng Teguh Santoso visited the DPR MKD, Commission III of the DPR held an RDP with the National Police Chief at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, on Wednesday 24 August. (Nailin NS-VOI)

However, Sugeng said that there were members of the DPR who tried to influence IPW to believe in the murder scenario that Ferdy Sambo masterminded. However, he did not mention the names of the DPR members who did this.

The MKD meeting with IPW was indeed open to the public, but when Sugeng wanted to reveal the name he asked that the meeting be held behind closed doors.

"There was mention of names inside. There were three people who spoke to me. Two people I think influenced, one person didn't," he explained.

The person who influenced him, said Sugeng, was the member who contacted him on July 12, four days after the incident in Duren Tiga, Jakarta. However, Sugeng was again reluctant to mention the initials of the member of the council in question.

"I'm sorry (initials) I can't open. I don't want to mention my faction. I won't mention the Commission either. Anyway, there were two people who influenced me, one was a member of the DPR," he said.

"I explained why IPW had the attitude to form a joint fact-finding team and disable it. Even though at that time, information was still dark, and controlled by a strong narrative, even supported by the National Police Headquarters that Mr. FS was wronged. There was harassment, threats, then Brigadier Joshua is a criminal. Now, when I said no, this had to be investigated, so the atmosphere was like that," Sugeng added.

MKD's decision

The summons of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs as well as the Chairman of Kompolnas Mahfud MD to the DPR MKD for questioning regarding the statement regarding the issue that DPR members participated in designing the scenario for the Ferdy Sambo case.

Meanwhile, the MKD summoned IPW Chairman Sugeng Teguh Santoso for questioning regarding the issue of the flow of funds from Ferdy Sambo to members of the DPR.

Aboe explained, during the meeting Mahfud said that Ferdy Sambo was the scenario maker of the premeditated murder case of Brigadier J. So that no DPR members were involved in designing the scenario.

According to Mahfud's statement, Sambo had contacted the names of DPR members. However, he said, that does not mean that there was a violation.

"So that's the scenario created by Sambo. Well, he said there were sentences from members of the DPR, but they didn't appear. So there wasn't and Pak Mahfud explained that," Aboe explained.

According to the PKS politician, Mahfud's summons proves that the MKD is carrying out its duties as the council's ethical court. In this case, it is related to whether or not there are allegations of violations committed by members of the DPR.

"Some are reported and some are not reported. What is not reported, but we know in the public about the parliament, so we take that role," said Aboe.

Regarding the names of several council members who were contacted by Sambo, the member of Commission III of the DPR emphasized that Mahfud could not mention the names in question. Because, there is no interest in the case that is currently being handled by the Police.

"No, he just said I have no right to mention because it has no other interest and there is no truth in him saying. (So) Clear, done," said Aboe.

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