
JAKARTA - The spokesman for Ma'ruf Amin's Vice President (Wapres), Masduki Baidlowi, said that Ma'ruf welcomed the idea of a meeting between himself and the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) mass organization Muhammad Rizieq Shihab.

"Regarding the meeting idea, the Vice President has no problem. The vice president is 'welcome', meaning that it is something that can be done as long as it brings goodness to the nation and state, ”said Masduki as quoted by Antara, Friday, November 20.

Masduki said there were Islamic social organizations (mass organizations) that had offered to hold the meeting.

"There have been (mass organizations) that have met, but I can't tell you more than that," he said.

Masduki also said that political perceptions could not be avoided if the meeting took place. However, he emphasized that the meeting was not something that should be made into a polemic as long as it was good.

"The vice president, as a cleric figure and also the number two person in Indonesia, has full attention on how to resolve the commotion in society; and that needs to be bridged, not to cause bad things in the future, "he said.

The polemic related to the FPI leadership, according to him, will not just end, so there must be a bridge for dialogue between the ulama on this matter.

"The Rizieq Shihab problem will not be resolved here, there must be dialogue. Once again, this is just the idea from the public that the Vice President is asked to respond. Regarding political perceptions and the various kinds, it is inevitable, he said.

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