
JAKARTA - Chairman of Komnas HAM Ahmad Taufan Damanik stated that he did not participate in the selection process for the commissioner candidates for the 2022-2027 period during a working meeting with Commission III of the DPR at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, August 25.

During the meeting, Taufan submitted the annual report of Komnas HAM and the report of the selection committee for the commissioner candidate for the 2022-2027 Komnas HAM.

"There are two reports that I want to convey, first is our annual report. I will symbolically convey it. Second, this is very important, sir, is the report of the selection committee for the 2022-2027 Komnas HAM commissioner candidate. I conveyed it directly to the leadership in a symbolic way," said Taufan during a meeting with Commission III of the DPR RI, Thursday, August 25.

Taufan then thanked Commission III of the DPR as well as said goodbye to Commission III of the DPR RI for no longer running for the next term.

"Thank you, sir. At the same time, I think as a person I would like to thank all the leaders and members of Commission III because of me, including those who did not run for office, sir. So maybe this is my farewell to all of you. Thank you For the support so far, I have been the chairman of Komnas HAM for five years," said Taufan.

It is known, the Komnas HAM selection committee (pansel) has announced 14 candidates for Komnas HAM members for the 2022-2027 period to take part in the feasibility test at the Indonesian House of Representatives. Of the 14 candidate members, seven will be selected later.

The following are the 14 candidates for Komnas HAM members who will take part in the due diligence in the DPR:

1. Abdul Haris Semendawai

2. Amiruddin Al Rahab

3. Anis Hidayah

4. Antonio Pradjasto Hardojo

5. Atnike Nova Sigiro

6. Beka Ulung Hapsara

7. Chrisbiantoro

8. Kurniawan Day

9. Prabianto Mukti Wibowo

10. Pramono Ubaid Tanthowi

11. Putu Elvina

12. Rita Serena Kolibonso

13. Saurlin P Siagian

14. Uli Parulian Sihombing

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