
YOGYAKARTA Every professional, institutional, or professional organization has a code of ethics that all members and officials must obey. The code of ethics is intended to be a benchmark in attitude and action. Then, what does the code of ethics mean?

In terms of language, the code of ethics comes from two words, namely Code and Ethics. Code means a sign that is approved with a certain meaning, while Ethics is defined as a character, adab, a way of life.

In general, the code of ethics is understood as a rule, procedures, signs, ethical guidelines when carrying out an activity/a work.

In more detail, the code of ethics is a written system of norms, values, and professional rules. It strictly regulates what is good and right, what is not right and not good for professionalism. In addition, it also contains what actions are right and wrong, what to do and what actions should be avoided.

In the implementation order, the code of ethics is something that is very important and is needed in various fields so that members are able to be responsible for the professions and positions held.

The existence of a code of ethics is intended so that members and officials who are bound do not abuse their positional authority, know how to behave and act, and avoid behavior that does not reflect professionalism.

The code of ethics also aims to become a moral standard for the professionalism of certain professions, so as to be able to make decisions objectively. In addition, the code of ethics is also used to uphold professions, improve the quality of professions or organizations, and determine their own standard standards.

Code of ethics is not made individually. The code of ethics must be prepared by an organization approved by each member. Even though it is made internally, the code of ethics is coercive and sanctions apply to violators of the code of ethics.

It must be noted that the code of ethics does not always violate state law, therefore violators of the code of ethics will be tried by the assembly within the organization appointed as the solution to the problem of violating the code of ethics.

As previously said, professional organizations have their respective code of ethics. For example, the Indonesian Doctors Association has a Medical Code of Ethics that all doctors in Indonesia must obey. When a doctor violates the code of ethics, the offender will be examined and tried by the Indonesian Medical Code of Ethics Council.

Apart from doctors, other professions that have codes of ethics, for example the police. The Police's code of ethics includes several coverages, namely Ethics incarnation, State Ethics, Institutional Ethics, and Ethics in relationships with the community. Each of them is regulated in detail how a police officer should work, behave and act.

Police officers who violate the code of ethics will be tried by the Police Code of Ethics Commission, a forum formed within the Police. In the trial, there will be an examination of violations of the Police Professional Code of Ethics and other violations as stipulated in the laws and regulations.

If there are allegations of a violation of the code of ethics, sanctions will be imposed that have also been regulated. The sanctions imposed are based on how serious the violation is, but the police who violate it can be dishonorably dismissed.

In addition to information related to professional organizations that have a code of ethics, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting news.

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