
JAKARTA - Komnas HAM stated that the information from Ferdy Sambo's wife, Putri Chandrawathi (PC), regarding the premeditated murder case against Brigadier Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J was complete.

Furthermore, Komnas HAM will submit the report to the National Police Chief, President Joko Widodo and the Indonesian House of Representatives.

"It's finished, it's finished, we are preparing a report to be submitted to the National Police Chief and our special team has asked for this schedule. Maybe Monday can only be done, then now we are also preparing a complete report to be submitted to the president and DPR RI," said Komnas HAM chairman Ahmad Taufan. Damanik at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, August 25.

However, said Taufan, currently the PC information will be matched with other data first before being filed.

Taufan said Komnas Perempuan plans to further deepen the PC's information to find out more precisely with other information. Of course, she said, Komnas Perempuan is also monitoring the situation and condition of PCs, which are currently getting better.

"Information from PC mother, we will compare it with other information and data," said Taufan.

Taufan emphasized that the completed report after the verification would be submitted to the President and the DPR after meeting with the National Police Chief.

"The president and the DPR are complete reports, more technical reports including recommendations on what to do by the Timsus investigators and such, it will be given immediately. We are asking the Chief of Police for time if possible, for example on Monday or Monday, depending on the situation." That's the time," said Taufan.

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