
JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives Commission III NasDem Fraction Jacki Uly assessed that a number of high-ranking officers (pati) of the National Police had provided unreasonable information in the process of handling the case of the death of Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J.

The fabricated information that reached the public's ear then ended when the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo took over the investigation of this case from the area under the control of the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran.

"The lies I see here [in the case of Brigadier J's murder], lies that make no sense, sir. I met a member of the National Police and asked about this case, different stories. All with their own opinions. Before you took over the case this," said Jackie during a hearing between the House of Representatives' Commission III and the National Police Chief at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 24.

One that does not make sense Richard Eliezer or Bharada E is called a sniper from Brimob. At the beginning of the investigation into this case, the National Police official said that Bharada E was an expert in shooting and was involved in a shootout with Brigadier J.

Jackie said that the pati Polri was very unreasonable. This was based on Jackie's experience as an instructor at the Education Center (Pusdik) of the Watukosek Brimob Corps in Mojokerto.

"I'll just give you a small picture, sir. The person [Bharada E] is said to be a sniper from Brimob. I laughed, sir. I've been an ITKOM for three years. Instructor of the Brimob Pusdik, in Watukosek there, Sir, so if you see this, it's a lie that isn't clear, Sir, ' said Jackie.

In the aftermath of the unreasonable information related to the handling of the case of Brigadier J's death at Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's halfway house on July 8, Jackie hoped that the National Police Chief would include psychological tests in the process of raising the rank of starch of the National Police.

"So we really need to hold a selection [psychological test] if we become leaders, who can truly represent us in saying and acting, sir," he suggested.

The same thing was also conveyed by a member of Commission III of the DPR Ichsan Soelistio. The PDI-P (PDIP) politician said that the higher a position is, the heavier the pressure, including the responsibility and psychological condition of a police officer.

"Learn from this experience. I support for example things like this, in the context of positioning, even though he said he was a star position, presidential prerogative, or with a presidential decree, it was still a psychological test process," said Ichsan.

Ichsan hopes that his proposal regarding the psychological test will be considered by the National Police Chief. The reason, he said, was that many police officers knew about his psychological condition when he was still studying at the College of Staff and Higher Leadership (Sespimti).

After that, he continued, the Chief of Police no longer faced the obligation to undergo tests such as psychological tests in order to assess his psychological or emotional construction.

He also considers that the actions of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo to be the mastermind behind Brigadier J's murder could also be triggered by his past experiences and thus affect his current psychological condition.

"Once again, to do a psychological test, sir, to get to know his psyche, his psychology," he said.

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