
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the House of Representatives Adies Kadir reminded the National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo, the level of public confidence in the National Police has fallen below 50 percent. In fact, in January 2022, the public's trust in the National Police was almost 80 percent, the highest compared to other law enforcement officers. Adies assessed that the decline in trust was not only due to the premeditated murder case by the former Head of the Propam Police Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, but also because of the behavior of his subordinates. "It turns out that apart from the Sambo case, this decline was also caused by the behavior and lifestyle of the friends of the National Police Chief at the lower levels. We can see below, at the level of the Chief of Police, they are like little kings. In the regions, sometimes we call Commission III. It's just not appointed, WA is not answered. This shows new behavior, success has been extraordinary like a king in the region, "Adies said during the RDP with the National Police Chief in the Commission III room of the DPR, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 24. "Then we also see that their lifestyle has started to use cigars, use wine, the cars are also luxurious. We can also see the behavior of their wives using Hermes, it has changed, so it's extraordinary," he continued. Adies emphasized that the House of Representatives Commission III did not prevent the police in the area from having lots of cars and their wives changing branded luxury bags. "But you don't have to upload your lifestyle, you don't have to show it. Don't show it so that it makes people cynical, making those who see (say) 'Oh, yes, the Police', even though it's not like that," Adies urged. "Pak Sigit, Pak Gatot, Pak Agus, Pak Anang, we have known each other for a long time and have been ordinary until now, nothing has changed with him, his communication is easy and his appearance is also ordinary. So this might have to be changed the behavior of the (Polri) comrades to increase public trust," he continued.

The Golkar politician also asked the National Police Chief Sigit to show the cohesiveness of his institution so as not to appear divided. "The more solid the Police are, the stronger they are, the public also sees that this is the face of our Police. Don't let it fall apart and fall apart," said Adies Kadir.

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