
JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has complied with the invitation of Commission III of the DPR for a hearing or RDP regarding the case of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

According to VOI monitoring, the National Police Chief arrived at the Parliament Complex in Senayan Jakarta on Wednesday, August 24, at around 09.40 WIB. Participate with the National Police Chief, all members of the special team he formed to thoroughly investigate the case of Brigadier J.

In the entourage of the Chief of Police, the Deputy Chief of Police, Komjen Gatot Eddy Pramono, Dankorbrimob Komjen Anang Revandoko, Irwasum Komjen Agung Budi Maryoto, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Komjen Agus Andrianto, were seen.

Furthermore, the Head of the Public Relations Division, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, As HR Chief of the National Police Inspector General Wahyu Widada, Head of the Propam Division, Inspector General Syahardiantono.

Then, the Asrena Police Chief Inspector General Wahyu Hadiningrat, Head of the ICT Division Inspector General Slamet Uliandi, Director General of Criminal Investigation and Crime Brigadier General Andi Rian Djajadi, to Director of Cyber Crime and Criminal Investigation Brigadier General Asep Edi Suheri.

However, the National Police Chief and the Bhayangkara Corps officials were reluctant to comment. However, some questions were raised.

The four-star general and his entourage chose to enter the RDP room of Commission III of the DPR.

In this RDP, each member of Commission III of the DPR will ask questions to explore the case of Brigadier J's death so that the case becomes clear. A number of other matters will also be asked by members of the council to the National Police Chief.

On the previous occasion, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said that in the RDP held at the DPR, the National Police Chief would be accompanied by almost all the main police officers.

"That's right (accompanied by PJU, ed)," said Dedi.

It is known, in the case of Brigadier J, a special team of the National Police has named five suspects. They included Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, Bharada Richard Eliezer, Bripka Ricky Rizal, and Strong Maruf.

Most recently, the Timsus also named Putri Chandrawathi or the wife of Ferdy Sambo as suspects.

They were charged with Article 340 subsidiary Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) and Article 56 of the Criminal Code.

In addition, the National Police team examined 83 personnel related to the case of Brigadier J's murder. There were 35 members who were recommended to be placed in the Special Forces.

As for the members who have been placed in patus totaling 16 people. 10 of them are at the Provos Polri and the rest are at the Brimbo Headquarters, Kelapa Dua, Depok.

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