
TANJUNGPINANG - Riau Islands Provincial Secretary (Kepri) Adi Prihantara said the salary of 16 special team members (Timsus) Governor Ansar Ahmad was around Rp. 10 million per month based on the standard unit price regulated in the Governor's Regulation (Pergub).

"Yes, the salary is around that much, it can be up to Rp. 10 million," said the provincial secretary after handing over the Decree for the Appointment of the Riau Islands Governor's Timsus at the Wan Seri Beni hall, Dompak Island, Tanjungpinang.

Adi said the governor's team member salary system is budgeted through the regional apparatus organization (OPD) budget which is under the control of the 16 team members.

He explained that each member of the governor's team oversees several OPD within the Riau Islands Provincial Government.

They carry out the governor's control function over the performance of the OPD heads and ranks. Its main task is to accelerate, control, and provide input on OPD performance.

"So, if for example there are activities or projects that do not work in the OPD. This Timsus provides input regarding the steps that must be taken. They report directly to the governor, not to the OPD," said Adi.

Adi said the members of the Riau Islands Governor's Timsus were formed in the context of accelerating the control of the achievements of the Riau Islands Provincial Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) for 2021-2026.

He hopes that the governor's team can contribute to accelerating regional development achievements so that it has an impact on accelerating economic recovery, especially in the Riau Islands Province.

"We believe that those who are members of the governor's team are professional and capable in their respective fields," said the Regional Secretary for the Province, Adi.

The following are 16 members of the Riau Islands Governor's Timsus and OPD in charge of:

1. Sarafudin Aluan : Riau Islands Provincial Secretariat and Riau Islands BPKAD

2. Azirwan : Riau Islands Research and Development Agency and the Riau Islands Energy and Mineral Resources Office

3. Mukti : Setwan Kepri and Border Management Agency

4. Nazarudin: Disbud Kepri and Dispar Kepri

5. Ahmad Rifai Hamta: Riau Islands DLHK and Riau Islands DP2KH

6. Basyarudin Idris : Riau Islands Dispora and Satpol PP

7. Suyono : Social Affairs Office of Riau Islands, Riau Islands Communication and Information Agency, and Liaison Agency

8. Syarifah Nurmawati : Riau Islands Education Office, PUPRP Service, and Riau Islands DP3APPKB

9. Syafrudin Rais : Riau Islands Transportation Agency and DKP

10. Anjelinus : BKD and Korpri and BPSDM

11. Anto Dhuha : Kesbangpol and Manpower and Transmigration Agency

12. Endri Sanopaka : Riau Islands Inspectorate and Dukcapil DPMD

13. Bismar : Riau Islands Industry and Trade Department and MSME Diskop

14. Oksep : Bapenda, DPM PTSP, and DPKP Kepri

15. Said irwansyah : BPBD and Regional Library and Archives Service

16. Hasanudin Muda: Riau Islands Health Office, RAT Hospital and Engku Haji Daud Hospital

By : Ogen

Editor : Adi Blue

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