
BANDAR LAMPUNG - The Dean of the Faculty of Law (FH) of the University of Lampung (Unila) Dr Muhammad Fakih said the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigator team who came to his faculty examined the files. According to him, investigators also asked directly about the mechanism for admitting new students (maba) in 2022.

"The KPK investigation team did come to the Faculty of Law, to directly ask how the mechanism for accepting new students at the Faculty of Law is," he said in Bandar Lampung as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 23.

He said the questions posed by the KPK Investigation Team were related to student admissions through the SNMPTN pathway to the independent pathway program.

"Yes, what is the mechanism for asking?, what is the quota? Who is the supervisor?

Fakih also said that there were a number of files at the Unila Faculty of Law that were examined by KPK investigators.

"There are also files that have been checked, such as supervisory correspondence, meeting invitation letters regarding the determination of the number of student quotas in 2022 and data on the number of students. Anyway, the mechanism regarding new student admissions," he said again.

Based on observations at the location, the KPK Investigative Team left the Unila Law Faculty with a suitcase suspected of having collected evidence related to the bribery case for admitting new students that ensnared the Rector of Unila Karomani and a number of officials on this campus.

Previously, on the same day, KPK investigators also conducted an examination and searched the Unila Medical Faculty Dean building. From the results of the search, the KPK team carried two suitcases when they left the location.

On Monday, August 22, the KPK investigators team also conducted an examination for approximately 12 hours at the Unila Rectorate building.

The investigation was carried out in connection with the naming of the suspect by the Unila Rector, Prof. Karomani and other Unila officials, in the case of bribery in accepting new students in 2022.

The KPK has named four suspects in the new student admissions case. The recipients were the Chancellor of Unila Karomani (KRM) together with the Vice Chancellor I for Academic Affairs Unila Heryandi (HY), and the Chair of the Unila Senate Muhammad Basri (MB). While the giver is a private party, namely AD or Andi Desfiandi.

In the construction of the case, the KPK explained that KRM, who served as Unila Chancellor for the 2020-2024 period, had the authority, one of which was related to the implementation mechanism, namely the Independent Selection to Enter the University of Lampung (Simanila) for the 2022 Academic Year.

During the Simanila process, the KPK suspected that KRM was active to be directly involved in determining the graduation of the Simanila participants by ordering HY and Budi Sutomo and involving MB to participate in personal selection regarding the abilities of prospective students' parents.

If you want to pass, you can be assisted by submitting a certain amount of money, in addition to the official money paid according to the mechanism determined by the university.

In addition, KRM is also suspected of giving special roles and tasks to HY, MB, and the Head of the Planning and Public Relations Bureau of Unila Budi Sutomo to collect an amount of money that was agreed with the parents of the selection participants who had previously passed based on the assessment that had been arranged by KRM.

As for the nominal amount of money agreed between the KRM parties, it is suspected that the amount varies with a minimum range of Rp. 100 million to Rp. 350 million for each parent of the selection participants who want to graduate.

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