
SUKABUMI - The Women and Children Protection Unit Team of the Sukabumi Police, West Java, revealed a network of perpetrators of the crime of trafficking in persons (TPPO). The victim is a pregnant woman.

"This TIP case was revealed after the victim's family on August 11, 2022 reported that his relative who worked in the United Arab Emirates was often subjected to torture, which was then investigated and succeeded in arresting one suspect who is suspected of being a labor seeker broker to be sent abroad," said Sukabumi Police Chief AKBP Dedy Dharmawansyah as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 23.

According to Dedy, from the results of the investigation, his party managed to arrest NR (40), a resident of Cipicung Village, RT 003/001, Citarik Village, Palabuhanratu District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java.

Information gathered from the police, the TIP case where the victim was a woman with the initials NN (35), a resident of Palabuahratu, began in December 2020, the victim was asked by NR to be able to go to the United Arab Emirates with the lure of a salary of Rp. 4.5 million per month.

The victim, who was in need of money, finally agreed to the suspect's request.

Then NR also reported to SM (people wanted list/DPO) that he had just caught the prey of a woman who was ready to be sent abroad to become a migrant worker.

Furthermore, SM and NR also made various documents as a condition for the departure of the victim whose data was suspected to have been falsified by the suspect.

However, when he was about to leave, a problem occurred, the victim admitted that she was pregnant, but the suspect NR insisted on sending NN. If you cancel, the victim can be fined Rp. 20 million.

Allegedly afraid of the suspect's threat, NN finally left for the United Arab Emirates and was immediately placed in her employer's house. However, instead of getting a salary, while working the victim was tortured and not given a salary.

Finally, after serving two years as a migrant worker, NN on August 7, 2022 returned home in a poor condition. The family who did not accept NN's condition immediately reported this incident to the police.

Meanwhile, Head of PPA Satreskrim Sukabumi Police Iptu Bayu Sunarti added that his party was still hunting for another suspect with the initials SM, who is a network of this TIP syndicate.

The suspect is charged with Article 2 paragraph (1), (2) and/or Article 4 and/or Article 10 and/or Article 11 UI RI Number 21 of 2007 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts which carries a maximum prison term of 15 years.

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