
SURABAYA - Information about an arrest by the Profession and Security Division (Divpropam) of the East Java Regional Police at the Sukodono Police Headquarters in Sidoarjo turned out to be true. In addition to the Sukodono Police Chief AKP I Ketut Agus Wardana, also arrested two of his subordinates with the initials Aiptu YHB and Aiptu YS.

"In addition to the police chief, there are also two members of the police, who are also suspected of using drugs. This is the commitment of the East Java Police Chief, Inspector General Nico Afinta, to take firm action against all forms of gambling and narcotics," said Head of Public Relations of the East Java Police, Kombes Dirmanto at the East Java Regional Police Headquarters in Surabaya, Tuesday, August 23, 2022.

Dirmanto explained that the arrest of the three policemen at the Sukodono Police Station started with information from the public. Then the Head of the Propam Division of the East Java Police conducted an investigation at the Sukodono Police Station at around 01.10 WIB on Tuesday, August 23.

"Well, at the Polsek, a urine test was carried out on the Kapolsek and the two members, and the urine test results were positive using methamphetamine," he said.

However, Dirmanto denied that the three police officers were raided during a drug party in a room at the Sukodono Police Headquarters. Meanwhile, the East Java Police Propam team found some evidence in one of the rooms at the Sukodono Police, suspected of being a place to use the illicit goods.

The evidence included matches, short straws, and plastic used for methamphetamine.

"But this is not a drug party. Once again this is not a drug party by the police chief and his two members. So, there is information, then the Head of Propam Polda East Java went to the field at the Polsek, did field checks, urine tests, and was examined," he said.

Dirmanto said the three individuals were currently undergoing intensive examination at the Propam Div of the East Java Police. He said investigators were also investigating how long the three individuals had abused the drugs.

"Now the three individuals are still being investigated. How long they have been using methamphetamine is still being investigated. Colleagues, please be patient, it will be conveyed further," he said.

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