
JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD stated that the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) is ready to be immediately converted into law.

This was conveyed by Mahfud when delivering a speech at the opening of the 'Kick Off RKUHP Public Discussion' event at Ayana Midplaza Jakarta, Tuesday, August 23.

"Alhamdulillah, at this time we have produced a Draft Criminal Code which is relatively ready to be promulgated," he said.

In his speech, Mahfud said the establishment of a national Criminal Code was one of the first legal policies that were ordered to be made in the Republic of Indonesia after proclaiming its independence.

In the transitional rule of Article 2 of the 1945 Constitution which was ratified on August 18, 1945, Mahfud said, it was outlined that the laws and institutions of the colonial legacy are still valid as long as new laws and institutions have not been established.

"That is, when we declared independence, at that time there was a constitutional order so that the laws that have been in effect since the Dutch colonial era were replaced with new laws," he added, according to Antara.

Mahfud added that one of the laws inherited from the Dutch colonial era that must be replaced is the Criminal Code or the Criminal Code.

"After no less than 59 years, since 1963 to be precise, we discussed changes to the RKUHP," he said.

For 59 years, Indonesia has continued to discuss and draft this RKUHP through a team that alternates and receives legal political direction from seven presidents. Thus, according to Mahfud, the current RKUHP can be said to be ready to be enacted.

"Socialization and dialogue have been carried out massively in parliament, government offices, campuses, and the wider community during the 59 years of the RKUHP," said Mahfud.

However, because the law must be a reflection of the awareness and desires of the community and must be understood by the whole community, through the Cabinet Internal Session on August 2, 2022, President Joko Widodo requested that the RKUHP be socialized again to all levels of society.

"The president asked the relevant ministries/institutions to discuss again with academics, mass organizations (community organizations), civil society organizations (CSOs), and others from the center to the regions," said Mahfud.

Upon this request, the Government held a 'Kick Off Public Dialogue on the RKUHP'. Organizing this event is one step to accommodate input from the community.

In addition, this event also aims to open the door for dialogue communication between the community and the government regarding the adjustment of the draft RKUHP.

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