
MEDAN - A number of micro business owners of rice stalls asked the government to reduce the price of chicken eggs, which had increased to Rp. 1,700 per item in Medan City, North Sumatra.

"All basic ingredients have gone up, for eggs since two weeks ago from Rp. 1,500 per egg to Rp. 1,700," said Nursei (41), owner of a rice stall on Jalan Masjid, Medan, quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, August 23.

In a day, he said, his party needed four boards or 120 eggs of purebred chicken to be processed into side dishes, including omelettes and beef eyes.

The price increase is burdensome for micro traders like himself, while hoping that the price of eggs will soon fall again and be stable.

"It's been two weeks ago, the price continues to rise," explained Nursei.

Dharma (35), owner of a Padang restaurant on Jalan Karya Jaya, Medan, admitted that his food turnover has decreased due to the increase in a number of basic commodities, especially the price of broiler eggs.

"If we raise the price of food, we don't dare. Our subscribers can run to buy food elsewhere," he said.

The head of the Medan City Food Security Service, Emilia Lubis, said that until now his party is still monitoring the factors causing the increase in the price of broiler eggs in the market.

Data from the Medan City Food Security Service on Friday (19/8) stated that the need for broiler eggs was 2,516.43 tons per month or 83.88 tons per day, while supplies were around 9,420 tons.

"I saw first at the distributor how. It's not enough for the eggs to be on the market. Indeed, animal feed is currently increasing, so the price of eggs also goes up," he said.

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