
REJANG LEBONG - A coffee farmer in Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu was arrested by the local police because he was caught selling online lottery tickets.

Rejang Lebong Police Chief AKBP Tonny Kurniawan accompanied by KBO Criminal Iptu Deny Fita Mochtar said the suspect arrested was Tar alias Icei (42), a resident of Hamlet II, Tanjung Dalam Village, South Curup District, who works as a coffee farmer.

"The suspect was detained by the Criminal Investigation Unit and the Intelligence and Security Unit of the Rejang Lebong Police on Monday, August 22, 2022 at around 14.30 WIB. The suspect was secured at his house along with a number of evidences of gambling," said Tonny at the Rejang Lebong Police Headquarters, Antara, Tuesday. , August 23.

He explained that the suspect's arrest stemmed from a community report which stated that there was an online lottery gambling activity carried out by the suspect.

This report was then followed up and succeeded in securing the suspect as well as evidence in the form of a dream interpretation book, recap of lottery numbers, a note book of issued lottery numbers, one cellphone, and Rp2,283,000 in cash.

For his actions, the suspect was charged with violating Article 303 paragraph (1) 1, 2 and 3 of the Criminal Code with a maximum imprisonment of 10 years.

Meanwhile, suspect Tar in front of reporters admitted to selling lottery online after studying on YouTube, and since the last two months he has been pursuing this illicit business with sales turnover ranging from hundreds of thousands of rupiah per day.

"This is just for fun, sir, now the coffee season is over, so it's a pleasure to sell numbers (togel)," said the man with two children.

The lottery gambling that he did was using an android cellphone device with the lottery installer sending the number to be installed via WhatsApp messages and then recaping in the book the number that would be installed in his online lottery account.

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