
CENTRAL LOMBOK - Sri Titi Handayani, a 19-year-old woman from the village of Batujai, West Praya, Central Lombok, NTB. Sri Titi bravely fought the robbery and has now received an award from the Central Lombok Police.

"We give a certificate of appreciation for Sri's courage to thwart the mugging," said Central Lombok Police Chief AKBP Irfan Nurmansyah as quoted from a written statement, Tuesday, August 23.

Sri Titi was invited to the Central Lombok Police Headquarters by the Central Lombok Police Chief to receive a certificate of appreciation and gratitude during the morning rally.

Previously said AKBP Irfan, Sri Titi became a victim of violent theft (jambret) on Saturday (6/8) on the Bypass road in front of the Batujai gas station. His cellphone was confiscated by two men on a motorbike when he was about to go home from Praya.

"At that time Sri did not stay silent, she had time to chase and fight the two perpetrators from the motorbike by hitting the perpetrator with a helmet and crashing his motorbike into the perpetrator," said AKBP Irfan.

According to the police chief, one of the alleged perpetrators has been detained at the police headquarters. While one other perpetrator is still receiving treatment at the hospital because he suffered severe injuries as a result of being hit by the victim.

The Central Lombok Police Chief hopes that the award can be an inspiration for the community, including all Central Lombok Police personnel, to dare to fight against all forms of crime.

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