
MEDAN - There is something different about Bobby Nasution's daily appearance. The Mayor of Medan seems to often wear a backpack (backpack) when visiting.

Bobby Nasution's blusukan moment with this backpack was captured in photos and videos of his activities in Medan in the past few days.

Here are 3 styles of Bobby Nasution carrying a backpack when he also meets local residents:

Relaxing Coffee
PHOTO: Instagram bobbynst

Bobby Nasution relaxed drinking coffee but still carrying his backpack. At that time Bobby received an audience from the Medan Barista Community.

The event that will be created, said Bobby Nasution, is the result of a coffee shop collaboration in Medan City.

"This coffee event will not only show the taste of coffee but also show stories ranging from history to the production process," said Bobby.

Based in Medan Belawan
PHOTO: Instagram bobbynst

Wearing a batik motif shirt, Bobby Nasution did not forget his navy colored backpack. At that time, Bobby started his office in the northern part of Medan, which was started in Medan Belawan District.

Kahiyang Ayu's husband admitted that he received many complaints from residents regarding issues of cleanliness, road infrastructure, brawls, gambling, drugs and requests from residents to accelerate the handling of tidal flooding in Belawan.

Blusukan Finds Ways to Overcome Medan Flood
PHOTO: Instagram bobbynst

Floods are the scourge of Medan City. Repeatedly Bobby Nasution, President Jokowi's son-in-law, has taken to the field to immediately ensure quick 'action'.

According to Bobby Nasution, flooding in Medan City was caused by two factors, namely drainage and river flow.

Like the flood that occurred on Jalan Tinta, West Sei Putih Village. Some of the residents' houses that were hit by the flood were caused by the breach of the Deli River embankment in the area.

Therefore, Bobby Nasution ensured that the Medan City Government together with the Sumatra II River Basin Agency (BWS) had built an emergency embankment to deal with flooding that occurred before the permanent embankment was rebuilt.

Normalization of the Deli River was also carried out by using amphibious excavators to dredge the river and clean up the garbage in the river.

"Hopefully this method can reduce flooding in this area," said Bobby Nasution.

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