
JAKARTA - The forensic medical team has completed a re-autopsy on Brigadier J's body. Scientifically, based on the autopsy results, the medical team did not find any wounds from the torture on Brigadier J's body.

This result is at the same time a rebuttal to the claims made by Brigadier J's family attorney, Kamaruddin Simanjuntak. Last Thursday, July 21, Kamaruddin said there were indications of mistreatment against Brigadier J in the form of snares around the neck and pulling out nails.

"Then his nails were removed, now we estimate he was still alive when he was pulled out so there was torture. There was a rope tied around his neck, it was suspected that there was an incision from behind, there was an incision in the nose until it was stitched, under the eyes there were several cuts, then there were cuts on the shoulders. This destruction has been destroyed," Kamaruddin told reporters last Thursday, July 21.

The head of the Forensic Doctor Team, Ade Firmansyah, said that his party did not find any signs or marks of abuse on Brigadier J's body, including claims that Brigadier J's nails had been removed or the marks of his neck being snared.

"No, not removing the nails, not at all," said Ade Firmansyah in Jakarta, Monday, August 22.

"We can confirm with the best forensic science that there are no signs of violence other than gun violence from the victim's body, like that," said Ade.

The forensic medicine team also found five gunshot wounds to Brigadier J's body. In fact, two of them on the chest and head were said to be fatal. "There were two fatal wounds, of course, in the chest and head," he said.

In that case, the team named five suspects. They include Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, Bharada Richard Eliezer, Bripka Ricky Rizal, and Strong Maruf.

Most recently, the Timsus also named Putri Chandrawathi or the wife of Ferdy Sambo as suspects. They were charged with Article 340 subsidiary Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) and Article 56 of the Criminal Code.

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