
MEDAN - The Binjai Police, North Sumatra, arrested a man with the initials WDP (27) in front of an oil gas station, on the Medan-Banda Aceh Cross Road, Hinai District. He was arrested with his girlfriend with the initials SPT (27) for trying to sell 200 ecstasy pills to undercover police.

The Head of Public Relations of the Binjai Police, Iptu Junaidi, said that the arrests of the two were the development of the perpetrator R, who had been arrested while conducting a shabu-shabu transaction on Jalan Samanhudi, Binjai.

"From the development of the case, information was obtained that there is a man with the initials Y who is currently a fugitive who often makes ecstasy transactions in the Binjai City area," said Iptu Junaidi, Monday, August 22.

Armed with this information, on the night of Thursday, August 18, the police carried out an investigation and disguised themselves by ordering 200 ecstasy pills at an agreed price of Rp. 135 thousand per pill to Y.

Y promised to deliver the order on Thursday, August 18 at Jalan Lintas Medan-Banda Aceh, Binjai District, Langkat Regency.

"At the appointed time Y contacted and asked the officer to pick up the ecstasy ordered in front of the Oil Station, Medan-Banda Aceh Cross Road, Hinai District.

"At the location the officers were approached by the WDP perpetrator and his female friend SPT who claimed to have ordered Y to hand over 200 ecstasy pills," he explained.

Then, the two couriers asked the police to hand over the money for the ecstasy order. After the money ordered was shown to the two suspects, then WDP showed 1 green plastic bag of ecstasy as many as 200 pills to the officer

"And that's when the officers arrested the two of them. Then they confiscated 200 green ecstasy pills from the WDP," he explained.

Iptu Junaidi said that when interrogated by the police, the two perpetrators admitted that they received a salary of IDR 700,000 per 100 pills of ecstasy.

After that the police carried out developments to arrest Y who lived around Tanjung Pura, Langkat Regency.

"Currently, Y is still being hunted," he said.

Currently, the two perpetrators and a number of evidences have been secured at the Binjai Police Headquarters for further investigation.

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