
MATARAM - The Special Criminal Investigator of the Mataram State Prosecutor's Office, West Nusa Tenggara, marathoned the recipients of cattle seed assistance from the West Lombok Agriculture Service in 2020.

The Head of the Intelligence Section of the Mataram Kejari Ida Bagus Putu Widnyana said the recipients who underwent the marathon examination were from among livestock farmer groups in the West Lombok region.

"Information from investigators, from more than 30 livestock farmer groups registered as recipients, at least 20 groups have been examined," said Bagus in Mataram, Antara, Monday, August 22.

He ensured that this inspection was still running in a marathon, considering that for one livestock farmer group there are at least 10 farmers from West Lombok.

"So, every week there are inspections. There are also several for the service, now they are going to the recipients," he said.

Regarding the role of experts to see indications of misappropriation of cattle breeds that do not meet specifications, Bagus said that this was included in the next agenda.

"When it is finished from the recipients, the plan is to go to the experts. The information is that the experts are from the provincial scope," he said.

Based on data from the West Lombok LPSE official website, in 2020 there will be three procurements of cattle breeds. The first package is exotic or simmental breed of cattle with a budget ceiling of IDR 540 million.

The project was carried out by the NMU company from Central Lombok Regency with an offer price of IDR 489 million. The company NMU again won the tender for the second package for the procurement of bulls with a bid price of Rp.453.6 million from the budget ceiling of Rp.504 million.

The third procurement project is budgeted through the 2020 Revised Regional Budget. The procurement is carried out by the West Lombok Agriculture Service with a budget ceiling of Rp. 2.244 billion for the procurement of 264 cattle breeds.

The tender for the procurement of the third package of cattle seeds was attended by 34 participants. The winner is the BJ company which is located in Bima City with an offer price of Rp. 1.977 billion.

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