
SAMARINDA - The Samarinda Class IIA Narcotics Prison received a certificate of appreciation from the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan (Kaltimtara) for thwarting attempts to smuggle methamphetamine into the prison.

"This is seen by the leadership as a form of our seriousness to make this narcotics prison free of drugs," said Head of Class II A Narcotics Prison Samarinda Hidayat in Samarinda as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 22.

From the results of thwarting smuggling from May to July, which became the basis for the Regional Office of the Kemenkum HAM Kaltimtara to give appreciation and appreciation to all officers who succeeded in preventing or thwarting smuggling attempts.

"In terms of eradicating drugs, we are strengthening our internals again. So how do we add officers to continue to search for security assistance," he said.

Hidayat said that the total weight of the methamphetamine-type narcotics evidence that had been secured during the three smuggled cases was approximately 100 grams.

"The last one is almost 40 grams, before that there were also maybe more or less 100 grams in three months from May, June and July," he said.

Kalapas explained that there are various modes of smuggling, ranging from those included in foods such as fish and meat to lighting equipment.

"Don't try to dare to smuggle prohibited items into prisons, if we find the perpetrators, we will take strict action and process them according to applicable laws," he said.

For information, the current number of inmates in the Class IlA Samarinda Narcotics Prison is 1,267 people.

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