
JAKARTA - Pakistani police launched an investigation into former Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday, as protests led him to return to office.

The investigation follows Khan's speech in Islamabad on Saturday, in which he vowed to prosecute police officers and a female judge for alleged torture of his arrested close aide.

Under Pakistan's legal system, police submit what is known as a first information report, detailing the charges against a defendant, to a judge who allows the investigation to proceed.

Usually, the police then arrest and question the suspect. The report against Khan includes testimony from Judge Ali Javed, who described being at an Islamabad rally, hearing Khan criticize Pakistan's inspector general of police and other judges.

"You also get ready for that, we will also take action against you. You all must be ashamed," Khan said in the speech, reported The National News August 22.

Khan could face several years in prison on the new charges, which accuse him of threatening police officers and judges.

However, he has not been detained on other lesser charges leveled against him in his recent campaign against the government.

Earlier, Khan accused the government of temporarily blocking YouTube, in order to deny him direct access to his speech at a political rally, Reuters reported.

Khan made impassioned speeches for gatherings across Pakistan as he pushed for new elections after being ousted from power in April via a parliamentary vote.

The allegations of blocking YouTube follow Saturday's ban by electronic media regulators on live broadcasts of Khan's speech, citing what he called "hate speech" against state institutions.

Meanwhile, Pakistan's opposition Tehreek-e-Insaf Party, Khan's political party, has published online videos showing supporters going to Khan's house, to prevent police from reaching him.

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