
JAKARTA - The Sumbawa Police Satreskrim, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police arrested three residents who were 'cheating' or recaping lottery numbers in the Utan District area. All three are online gambling players or online lottery types.

"The suspected perpetrators have the initials MS (52), AK (33) and JH (47)," said Sumbawa Police Chief, AKBP Henry Novika Chandra in a written statement in Mataram, NTB, quoted from Antara, Monday 22 August.

The three perpetrators were arrested after there were reports from the public regarding gambling activities carried out by the perpetrators in Motong Village, Utan District.

The police then conducted a raid on the house of the MS perpetrator who was recapitulating the numbers with the AK perpetrator to put it into their lottery gambling account.

"When the police wanted to check MS's online gambling account, the man immediately damaged his cellphone to eliminate evidence," he said.

For this incident, MS and AK were immediately taken to the Sumbawa Police for further processing. Members also managed to confiscate one cell phone that had been tampered with, five types of withdrawal numbers and Rp125 thousand in cash.

"Meanwhile, from AK's hands, only cellphones and cash amounting to Rp80 thousand were secured," he said.

After apprehending two suspected online gamblers, members arrested an online bookie with the initials JH (47) after receiving money for the purchase of lotteries.

When he was raided, JH had just finished receiving the lottery purchase money, the plan was that the money would be included in his lottery gambling account.

From the hands of JH, two cellphones, two ATM cards, three types of recap numbers and Rp3,167,000 in cash were confiscated in various denominations.

"We managed to catch three online gamblers and one of them is a lottery dealer with the initials HJ," he said.

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