
TANGERANG - A semi-permanent house in the Immigration Complex, Jalan Satria Sudirman, Tanah Tinggi, Tangerang City has been burned down. A total of eight firefighters were deployed.

Head of Emergency and Logistics for BPBD Tangerang City, Ghufron Falfeli, said the incident happened Monday, August 22, at 03.30 WIB.

"It is true that a fire occurred in a semi-permanent building. Behind the Immigration Complex. A total of eight firefighters were deployed," said Ghufron when confirmed, Monday, August 22.

Ghufron said the fire was successfully controlled at 05.30 WIB. He confirmed that there were no casualties in the incident.

"There were no victims. The fire was extinguished at 05.30 WIB," he said.

Regarding the cause of the incident, his party is still investigating. However, the losses are estimated to be in the tens of millions.

"(Because) the construction is semi-permanent, the losses are estimated at tens of millions," he concluded.

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