
JAKARTA - The localization of prostitution in Gunung Antang, located in Jatinegara, will immediately be brought under control by the joint officers of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (PT KAI) and the East Jakarta City Government this week.

If a warning letter or SP-3 is issued by PT KAI to the residents of the Gunung Antang area and the residents do not heed it, then the forced demolition will be carried out by joint officers, on August 25, later.

"If the SP-3 deadline has been completed, it will be brought under control," said Head of Public Relations of PT KAI Daop 1 Jakarta, Eva Chairunisa to reporters, Monday, August 22.

Currently, Eva stated that the SP-2 warning letter had already been rolled out in the area. However, only a few occupants of the illegal building localized to Gunung Antang, Matraman, East Jakarta have carried out the control independently.

It is known that the Gunung Antang area is known as a place for prostitution and gambling. The illegal building stands on land owned by PT KAI, the former long-distance railway line Manggarai - Java Island, which is between Jatinegara Station and Manggarai Station.

Eva further said that so far, her party as the owner of the land will issue SP-3 to the residents of the localization to immediately carry out self-regulation.

However, Eva said, until now there are only a few residents who have carried out the order.

"It's been SP-2, right now it's approaching SP-3. So far only a few (residents carry out self-regulation)," he said.

Eva did not explain in detail the number of buildings that were controlled independently by their occupants.

East Jakarta Mayor Muhammad Anwar said that the schedule for controlling Mount Antang was planned to be carried out on August 25, 2022.

"Yes, the plan has been decided in a meeting, PT KAI will carry out enforcement on August 25 (2022), before it is implemented, there will be a technical meeting," he said, last Wednesday, August 10.

As for the plan to demolish the illegal building for the localization of Mount Antang, it cannot be separated from the incident of the attack by a gang of thugs from Gunung Antang to the residential area of RW 01, Rawabunga Village, Jatinegara District.

The attacks took place on Sunday, June 12 and Monday, June 13 in the early hours of the morning. The gang of thugs attacked using sharp weapons, stones, and firearms.

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