
JAKARTA - Russia's upgraded ballistic missile early warning system has become an experimental combat warning, said System Chief Designer, CEO of the Vympel Inter-Statie Corporation Sergey Boyev.

"As for the overall system upgrade, it has been successfully completed. Last year, the inter-state test was completed," Boyev explained as reported by TASS August 16.

"The upgraded system is ready to assume combat alert. Now experimental combat warning operations have been successfully implemented," explained the chief designer.

In accordance with the approved schedule, the existing missile early warning system facilities are being modernized. The upgrade involves a Voronez-DM station on Armavir and a Voronezh-M radar in the Irkutsk Region.

Boyev explained, this facility is among the first to be operated by Russia.

The Russian missile early warning system consists of a space-based component that integrates the Tundra satellite and a ground-based segment of the Voronezh radar network that covers all missile-threatening directions with its continental radar field.

The system is designed to detect in the shortest possible time and lock up ballistic missiles launched into the territory of Russia and its allies.

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