
JAKARTA - The Democratic Party's DPP confirmed the sad news from the family of the Deputy Governor of East Java, Emil Elestianto Dardak.

The father of the chairman of the East Java Democratic Party DPD, Hermanto Dardak, died in a traffic accident in Pekalongan, Central Java, Saturday, August 20, morning. Hermanto is the father-in-law of the artist, Arumi Bachsin.

"That's right," the Deputy of the Election Winning Body (Bappilu) of the Democratic Party of the Republic of Indonesia when confirmed by VOI, Saturday, August 19.

Kamhar said the news of this condolence circulated through messages in the WhatsApp group. Until finally confirmed directly by the Treasurer of the Democratic Party DPP, Renville Antonio.

"Innalilahi wa innailaihi roji'un. Rahmatullah has passed away, Mr. Achmad Hermanto Dardak, the father of the East Java Deputy Governor/Chairman of the East Java PD PD Mas Emil Dardak, this morning due to a traffic accident in Pejagan, near Semarang," reads the message he received.

"This news was confirmed by Mas Bendum and his assistant, Mas Deputy Governor," said Kamhar.

Kamhar also expressed his condolences and prayed for Emil Dardak's father.

"Allahumaghfirlahu warhamhu wa'afihi wa'fuanhu. Husnul khatimah God willing. My condolences to the Deputy Governor and family," said Kamhar.

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