
JAKARTA - The Drug Investigation Unit (Resnarkoba) of the Meranti Islands Police, Riau Police destroyed 4,000 ecstasy pills, at the local police headquarters, Friday 19 August.

The destruction was led by the Deputy Chief of the Meranti Islands Police, Kompol Robet Arizal, accompanied by the Narcotics Unit Head, AKP Saharuddin Pangaribuan, by dissolving it in water and disinfectant, then blending it in a blender. Once diluted, the melted ecstasy is dumped into the toilet.

Kompol Robet said his party had previously arrested an ecstasy courier with the initials Z (40) and confiscated thousands of ecstasy pills at his residence, in Mengkopot Village, Tasik Putripuyu District, Friday, August 12.

He revealed that the process of arresting the suspect had been carried out for quite a long time by conducting an investigation and reconnaissance for 15 days based on information from the public that there was a drug transaction.

"Accompanied by the head of the RW, the police immediately carried out raids, also searched and managed to find evidence of two packages containing 4,000 green ecstasy pills," said Kompol Robet, quoted from Antara, Saturday, August 20.

Further investigation, the pill, which is strongly suspected to be a type of ecstasy drug, was brought by officers to the Riau Police Forensic Laboratory to be checked.

"After an examination at the Riau Police Forensic Laboratory, it turned out that it was true that the thousands of pills were ecstasy," said Robet again.

According to the suspect's confession, the thousands of ecstasy pills were brought from Bengkalis by a person with the initials A. The plan was that Z would take the items to someone with the initials S.

For one ecstasy pill, it is sold for Rp. 40,000 and if all are sold, the suspect is promised a salary of Rp. 10 million. From his confession, the suspect is currently undergoing the profession of courier for the illicit goods.

"For his actions, the perpetrator was rewarded with Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics Article 114 paragraph 2, Article 112 paragraph 2, with the threat of life imprisonment or the death penalty," he also said.

Kompol Robet also reminded the public regarding the dangers of drugs, and immediately reported to the authorities if they knew of any suspicious activity related to drugs.

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