
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Navy held a joint prayer and sow flowers to commemorate and appreciate the services of the heroes who were willing to sacrifice their body and soul to seize and defend Indonesia's Independence.

The activity, which is still in the series to commemorate the 77th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence in 2022, was carried out aboard the KRI Semarang-594 deck on a voyage from Kolinlamil Pier, Tanjung Priok to the waters of Jakarta Bay led by the Chief of Naval Staff (Kasal) Admiral Yudo Margono, Friday. .

The joint prayer and flower distribution were attended by interfaith leaders from six recognized religions in Indonesia.

"This afternoon we are on the deck of the KRI Semarang, which is carrying out a voyage to pray together," said Admiral Yudo after the flower-laying ceremony, Antara, Friday, August 19 evening.

The activity, said Yudo, was attended by representatives of interfaith leaders, namely from Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

"We carry out a prayer together, of course this prayer is to express gratitude to God Almighty for the 77 Years of Indonesian Independence that we have enjoyed together. We say a prayer to our predecessors, heroes, and warriors who have fought for Indonesian Independence by marking the sows. flowers in the sea," he said.

Of course, said Yudo, the Indonesian Navy and interfaith leaders pray that the COVID-19 pandemic in the country can be completed so that Indonesia can recover faster and rise stronger.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Center for Da'wah and Ukhuwah, KH M Cholil Nafis, added that the independence now enjoyed cannot be separated from the services of the heroes who died on the battlefield.

"We believe that different religions are the strength to continue to fill independence and achieve the ideals of the founding fathers of this nation in order to provide prosperity, peace and security," he said.

The interfaith prayer activity and the sowing of flowers carried the theme "Building Maritime Glory and Tolerance for Indonesia to Recover Faster, Rise Stronger".

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