
BANDUNG - The Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the West Java Police has secured video footage from two surveillance cameras (CCTV) at the site of the murder of a retired TNI soldier in the Lembang area, West Bandung Regency, West Java.

"Since last night two CCTV points have been secured, CCTV is at the suspect's house," said Director of the General Criminal Investigation of the West Java Police Kombes Yani Sudarto at the West Java Police, Bandung City, Antara, Friday, August 19.

The CCTV was installed right above the gate of the perpetrator's house which showed the stabbing action by the perpetrator with the initials HH against a retired TNI soldier who became the victim, namely Muhammad Mubin.

According to Yani, the video footage from the CCTV will be sent to the Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Department for further investigation.

The stabbing by the perpetrator against a retired TNI officer took place on Tuesday morning in front of the gate of the perpetrator's house. After being stabbed, the victim fled in a vehicle.

In addition, Yani said the police provided psychological recovery for the child who was a witness to the stabbing. According to him, the child was beside the victim when the stabbing took place.

"We will synergize together with Kodam III Siliwangi with the Army Retired Army Association (PPAD)," he said.

He asked the public not to be provoked by the circulating hoax information. He ensured that the legal process for the case was carried out in accordance with applicable legal provisions.

"We basically carry out the investigation process in a professional manner," said Yani.

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