
SURABAYA - Investigators from the Jombang Police, East Java, have named two suspects related to the alleged sodomy of a boy. One of the suspects is the Head of the Bojonegoro Prosecutor's Office for the Management of Evidence and Loot with the initials AH.

"We have named two suspects related to the case, one of them is brother AH," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Jombang Police, AKP Giadi Nugraha, Friday, August 19.

Apart from AH, the police have also named a pimp who is still a minor as a suspect. This pimp is subject to a criminal act of sexual exploitation.

"Brother AH was charged with the criminal act of obscenity. Namely, Article 82 in conjunction with 76 e of the PPA Act," he said.

Now the two suspects are still in the process of being examined at the UPPA Satreskrim Jombang office. Both were arrested in a hotel in Jombang when AH launched his action.

As previously reported, the Head of the East Java High Prosecutor's Office, Mia Amiati, has deactivated AH as the Head of the management of evidence and confiscation at the Bojonegoro Prosecutor's Office. The goal is to simplify the inspection process.

"If proven guilty, I will take strict action and will be removed. Meanwhile, the prosecutor himself already has a wife," said Mia.

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