
JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko emphasized the importance of young people having a strong character. Because, he said, the future is the era of young people. Where young people are not only the generation of heirs, but the generation that determines the future.

"The future is not on your shoulders, but the future is in your hands. So don't be soft. A little pinch is already screaming," said Moeldoko, while conveying national insight to new students at the State University of Semarang (UNNES) Central Java, Thursday, 18 August.

Moeldoko emphasized that the strength of a leader is in his character. And the key to the success of effective leadership is leadership that considers environmental conditions, and relative needs.

"Moreover, we are currently facing very fast changes, full of risks, complexes, and surprises. For that, leadership must be adaptive and able to answer needs," he explained in a written statement received by VOI.


The 2013-2015 TNI Commander also revealed that the government had prepared the foundations so that young people would make a big leap towards advancing Indonesia in 2045. The foundations, he said, were in the form of human resource development and health development.

"Human resource development includes the Smart Indonesia Card, scholarships, and training programs. As for health, we are currently focusing on reducing stunting. This is all prepared to create superior generations," said Moeldoko.

On that occasion, Moeldoko also echoed the five major agendas of Forward Indonesia President Joko Widodo - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin. Namely, downstreaming and industrializing natural resources, optimizing clean energy sources and a green economy, legal, social, political, and economic protection for the people, upgrading SMEs, and developing the Capital of the Archipelago.

Moeldoko foto bersama civitas akademika UNNES. (Foto Ist)
Moeldoko took a photo with the UNNES academic community. (Ist Photo)

"I need to convey this, so that the campus and students understand the political issues of the government," he concluded.

In addition to conveying national insight, Moeldoko who was accompanied by Deputy II Chief of Presidential Staff Abetnego Tarigan, also saw firsthand the results of UNNES student innovations. Among them, the development of energy-efficient cars.

"The results of this innovation should not only be displayed, but must be developed and answered the needs of the community," said Moeldoko.

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