
JAKARTA - A gang of gangsters with the initials MR alias D, IF alias P, RH alias H, AA alias K, FG alias FZ and MP alias AN were arrested by members of the West Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim in a number of different locations. According to police, the perpetrators repeatedly carried out the robbery of motorbikes.

"The arrests started with three police reports that came in. After tracing the data we received, 13 Police Reports (LP) have been registered in criminal acts," said West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKBP Joko Dwi Harsono to reporters, Thursday, 18 August.

AKBP Joko explained that the perpetrators had committed crimes in a number of places in the West Jakarta area.

"There are 13 crime scenes. They have committed crimes by seizing vehicles belonging to the community. The perpetrators are looking for lonely and lonely targets," he said.

From his confession, the suspects drank alcohol before taking action and often used drugs.

"The perpetrators used the proceeds of the crime for daily needs, getting drunk and to buy drugs," he said.

To account for their actions, the perpetrators are subject to Article 365 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 12 years in prison.

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