
JAKARTA - The investigation process of Surya Darmadi, a suspect in the alleged corruption case of money laundering and control of oil palm land in Riau, has been delayed again. Surya's health condition deteriorated and he had to be taken to the hospital.

"He is sick and being taken to the Adhyaksa Hospital at the Ceger Prosecutor's Office," said the Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) at the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Sumeda, when confirmed, Thursday, August 18.

Surya Darmadi's health condition began to decline, said Ketut, when the examination process was underway. However, it is not clear what disease he is suffering from.

So far, the suspect in the alleged corruption case has complained of chest pain. Thus, it was decided to postpone the activity of the request for information.

"It's been a while (the examination, red) suddenly the suspect's condition dropped or was sick complaining of chest pain," said Ketut.

Surya Darmadi came out of the round building for the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes at around 13.55 WIB.

The suspect who caused state losses of Rp. 78 trillion was seen using a wheelchair. Surya Darmadi was officially detained for the first 20 days after being a fugitive abroad.

He has been detained since August 15 at the Salemba Rutan at the AGO Branch after surrendering on arrival at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tangerang from Taiwan.

Attorney General's Office investigators named Surya Darmadi along with Raja Thamsir Rachman as the Regent of Indragiri Hulu for the 1999-2008 period as suspects in the alleged corruption case of controlling 37,095 hectares of oil palm land in Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau Province.

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