
JAKARTA - The House of Representatives' Honorary Court (MKD) will invite Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD and Chairman of Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Sugeng Teguh Santoso regarding the case involving Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

This invitation was the decision of the Constitutional Court after holding a plenary meeting to discuss the development of the premeditated murder case against Brigadier Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J.

"The Leadership Meeting and the Plenary Meeting of the DPR RI MKD decided to invite the Chairman of Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) and the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD regarding the Ferdy Sambo case," said Deputy Chairman of the DPR MKD Habiburokhman in a statement to reporters, Thursday, August 18.

However, Habiburokhman did not explain when the summons would be. The member of Commission III of the DPR only said that the MKD wanted to explore Sugeng IPW's statement regarding the news linking Ferdy Sambo and the DPR.

"We read in online media that Mr. Sugeng said there was information about the flow of funds to the DPR. We want to explore where the information he meant came from. Because if this is true, it would be a violation of the law and ethics of the DPR," explained Habiburokhman.

While the invitation to Mahfud Md, according to Habiburokhman, the DPR MKD read the Menkopolhukam statement about the Sambo scenario in the Brigadier J.

"Meanwhile, Menkopolhukam/Chairman of Kompolnas in the media stated that Sambo designed the scenario by contacting Kompolnas and members of the Indonesian House of Representatives. We want to get information on whether any DPR members were involved in designing the scenario made by Ferdy Sambo," said Habiburokhman.

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