
JAKARTA - West Jakarta Metro Police investigators continue to investigate the burning of boarding houses in Duri Selatan Village, Tambora, West Jakarta, Wednesday, August 17, yesterday. In that incident as many as 6 people died, 3 residents of the boarding house suffered burns. Until now, officers have examined the husband and wife (couple) who own the boarding house to reveal the real cause of the fire.

Head of West Jakarta Metro Police Public Relations Commissioner Moch Taufik Iksan said the West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pasma Royce had checked the fire location. His party is still investigating the deadly fire in the Tambora area, West Jakarta.

"Still under investigation, later if there are developments we will inform you," said Kompol Taufik, as he is known, Thursday, August 18.

Currently, the police are investigating the location of the fire. Officers have also examined a number of witnesses and took some evidence.

"We have examined 9 people as witnesses, up to now including 2 owners of the boarding house (husband and wife), 7 people as residents of the boarding house," he said.

From the fire incident there were fatalities, 6 people died and 3 people suffered burns. There were 9 victims in total.

"Six people died due to the fire, it is suspected that the victims could not save themselves because the condition of the house was closed by iron bars," he said.

Six victims were found on different floors. On the 3rd floor there were 5 people and on the 4th floor there was 1 person died.

"We will also coordinate with the police forensics laboratory and the families of the victims to ensure the identities of the victims, for the case is handled by the Tambora Police," he said.

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