
JAKARTA - Commemorating the 77th anniversary of Indonesian Independence, the Speaker of the DPR, Puan Maharani, invites all parties to be involved in nation building. Building national strength with the spirit of gotong royong is very important to continue advancing Mother Earth.

"It is very important for all of us, all stakeholders, all children of the nation, to build our national strength, which starts from awareness, willingness and commitment to take part in joint work, mutual cooperation, advancing Indonesia in all fields. Togetherness that comes from love for the homeland and love for the Indonesian nation as a nation with Pancasila and Bhineka Tunggal Ika," said Puan in her statement, Wednesday, August 17.

"To all the people of Indonesia, on behalf of the leadership of the DPR RI, I wish you a happy commemoration of the 77th beloved Indonesian Independence Day," added Puan.

Puan said, the commemoration of Independence Day is a sacred moment so that people can feel the results of the struggle of the heroes. Thus, the spirit of nationalism and the spirit of building this beloved country will grow together.

"The commemoration of Independence Day is intended, in addition to honoring the services of the heroes who have sacrificed body and soul so that we are free and free from the shackles of colonialism, it is also a momentum to reflect back on the long journey of the Indonesian nation," he explained.

"A journey full of dialectics in presenting dynamics and forming a romantic wave, which leads to the civilization of the Indonesian nation and state to become what it is today," added Puan.

He added that the desire for independence that was inflamed 77 years ago was the spirit to be able to arrange the fate of the homeland by the Indonesian people themselves, so that they could realize the life of an independent, united, sovereign, just and prosperous Indonesian state.

“For 77 years, we have compiled and built Indonesia's progress to realize the ideals of independence. The ups and downs of the development wave, accompanied by waves of globalization and technological advances, have driven various reforms and transformations in Indonesia," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

According to Puan, the task of developing the nation and state of Indonesia in the future will face challenges and obstacles that are not easy. Indonesia is still facing the uncertainty of the COVID-19 situation, geopolitical conflicts, global economic recovery in the midst of food vulnerabilities, energy, unemployment, global monetary policy and so on.

Bung Karno's grandson said that there are many ways for the nation's children to participate in building national strength. Puan said that this could be done through the role and portion of each citizen.

"Including through their profession or field so that they can excel and contribute in their own way," he said.

Puan assessed that all forms of participation in formulating and developing Indonesia could provide positive energy if aimed at advancing Indonesia. So the direction of the joint work will also provide positive energy in advancing Indonesia's productivity and strengthening people's togetherness.

"And unite the people, strengthen Pancasila, strengthen the spirit of Indonesian nationalism, and cultivate the personality of the Indonesian nation. A soul of devotion to the nation and state. Celebrate Indonesia! Freedom!," concluded the lady.

With the theme 'Recovering Faster, Rising Stronger', Puan encouraged the public to remain happy in celebrating the 77th Indonesian Independence Day. Even though he is still in a pandemic condition, he hopes that the Indonesian people will continue to be enthusiastic about building mutual cooperation and cooperation.

Puan also invites the public to enliven the moment of commemoration of Indonesian Independence with various activities, such as special competitions on August 17th in their respective homes.

“The 17 August competitions such as sack races, eating crackers, and so on are things we always miss in commemorating Independence Day. Through competitions and other special activities on 17 August, it is hoped that the spirit of togetherness in the community will continue to grow,” said Puan.

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