
JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko invites the public to apply the message of 'Eling lan Waspodo' conveyed by President Joko Widodo in his State Speech before the MPR, DPR, and DPD RI, Tuesday, August 16 yesterday.

According to him, the message conveyed by President Jokowi is very contextual with current conditions. On the 77th Anniversary, the Indonesian nation is considered to be facing various complexities of the dynamics of changing strategic environments.

Such as the threat of food crises, the environment, to environmental degradation and climate change.

"This is a very fitting moment for us to always remember and be aware of all global challenges and threats. From now on, let's save on the use of fuel, plant what can be grown for food needs, and continue to apply prokes so that we end up endemic soon," Moeldoko said in a statement. written statement received by VOI, in Jakarta, Wednesday, August 17th.

Moeldoko said that the dynamics of the development of the strategic environment always have implications. Be it positive or negative, directly or indirectly. According to him, this can affect the course of national development.

"This is a challenge for all of us that must be passed to become a sovereign, just and prosperous nation, as well as a strong and solid nation," said the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces for the 2013-2015 period.

"The trick is to keep Eling and Waspodo in making every decision and action," said Moeldoko.

'Eling lan Waspodo' is an ancestral philosophy that teaches to always remember and be careful. As is known, President Jokowi in his State of the Union Address in front of the MPR, DPR, and DPD RI reminded all elements of the nation to always be vigilant, careful, and alert.

This attitude is needed in dealing with crisis after crisis and world geopolitics. "We must always 'Eling lan Waspodo', must remember and be vigilant," the President said.

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