
JAKARTA - Secretary General of the PDI-P Hasto Kristiyanto asked his party cadres and sympathizers to fight to win the 2024 General Election. Three wins or a hat trick must be scored.

This was conveyed by Hasto during a ceremony to commemorate the 77th Indonesian Independence Day at the PDIP Party School, Lenteng Agung, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 17. The three victories are expected to make the work that the government has realized can continue.

"Let us carry out the task of the nation's history. We are fighting to win the 2024 general election, winning three times in a row through working under; working among the people," said Hasto in his speech during the ceremony.

"Because by winning three times, we will continue the unity of the leadership of Bung Karno, Bu Mega and Pak Jokowi," he continued.

Hasto said continued leadership should be the focus. During the leadership of Soekarno or Bung Karno, who was the First President of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia was able to become independent and become a leader for the nations of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Meanwhile, when Megawati Soekarnoputri served as the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia, she was able to resolve a multidimensional crisis and within three years laid a very strong fundamental for progress.

Next, during the leadership of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia, development now tends to be Indonesia-centric. Thus, PDIP wants the continuity of leadership to continue.

"Sustainability of leadership is our duty," he said.

Furthermore, Hasto conveyed five messages from PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri at the ceremony. First, don't forget history (Jas Merah). All cadres and sympathizers are invited to always learn from the past for the future.

Second, don't enter your comfort zone. Because the comfort zone is a trap that can change the direction of our struggle.

Third, ignite a fighting spirit, a fighting spirit like a fire that never goes out. With this fighting spirit, PDI-P will be able to face the test; winding road; and the sharp pebbles that stand in our way. But as a Party that fully understands the nature of struggle, and with strong leadership, downward work, and unity with the people, we will be able to face various tests.

“Fourth message: fight for change in people's destiny. Fifth Message, Build the glory of the nation through mastery of science and technology, through research and innovation in order to become a nation that stands on its own feet," said Hasto.

“May God Almighty grant his mercy to all Indonesian people, to soar his spirit so that the Indonesian nation is known as a great nation because of its discipline; achievements and exemplary in grounding Pancasila. Because Pancasila is not just a national ideology. Pancasila is proven to be able to become a world ideology," concluded Hasto.

Megawati's message read by Hasto was delivered live in a ceremony attended by hundreds of party cadres and broadcast virtually throughout Indonesia. Before the ceremony, a carnival was held which was enlivened by a marching band and a procession of Balinese dancers.

At the ceremony, the PDIP DPP leaders who were present included Djarot Saiful Hidayat, Eriko Sotarduga, Mindo Sianipar, Hamka Haq, Ribka Tjiptaning, Sri Rahayu, Sadarestuwati, Nusyirwan Soedjono, Wiryanti Sukamdani and Rudianto Tjen.

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