Rise Of Identity Profiteering In Sipol Political Parties, DIY Bawaslu Opens Complaints Command


YOGYAKARTA - The Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) has opened a complaint post for people who know their names or identities are being used as members or administrators of political parties in the Political Party Information System (Sipol).

"Our complaint posts are open at the provincial level and in every district. They have been operating for three days," said DIY Bawaslu Chairman Bagus Sarwono in Yogyakarta as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 16.

Bagus said that the opening of the Command Post was a means of protection for the public so that their names and personal data were not used unilaterally by certain political parties to fulfill the requirements to qualify for the 2024 General Election.

"In the registration stage, each political party must have at least 1,000 members or 1/1,000 of the total population in the management of political parties," he said.

According to him, the opening of the complaint post took into account the emergence of the case of two employees in the DIY Bawaslu environment whose names were given by political parties as administrators.

The profiteering, said Bagus, was discovered after all levels of Bawaslu throughout DIY carried out an inspection and check of NIK through the infopemilu.kpu.go.id site.

Based on the information from the two employees who served in the DIY Bawaslu and Yogyakarta City Bawaslu, he said, both of them knew that their names were registered and felt that they were not registered as members or administrators of political parties.

"Apart from the profiteering of the names of two DIY Bawaslu members, the opening of the command post is aimed at preventing violations from being handled more optimally," he said.

The public, according to him, needs to check personal data on the https://infopemilu.kpu.go.id page because people with certain professions are not allowed to be registered as members or administrators of political parties.

"For example, civil servants, judges, and the TNI/Polri are prohibited from being members of the party. If someone is profited, they can complain to us," he said.

As previously reported, the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) found as many as 275 names and NIK of election organizers (supervisors) who were included in the membership and management of political parties (parties) in Sipol.

"Until the 14th day of the political party registration stage and the 13th day of the vermin (administrative verification) stage, there are at least 275 names of election organizers registered in the membership and management of political parties," said Bawaslu Chairperson Rahmat Bagja at a press conference "Results of Supervision of Political Party Registration Stages Candidates for the 2024 General Election", in Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 15.

Meanwhile, based on Bawaslu supervision, the classification of election supervisors whose names and NIK are listed as members or administrators of political parties consists of 216 staff, 31 members, 16 supporters, 5 Bawaslu heads, 3 treasurers, 2 subdivision heads, 1 secretariat coordinator, and 1 member of the election supervisory committee (panwaslih).

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