
JAKARTA - The witness at the trial in the case of alleged gratification of the Supreme Court (MA) fatwa arrangement, Beni Sastrawan, said that he discarded the transfer evidence after completing the task of exchanging foreign currency (forex).

The transfer of evidence was discarded based on orders from AKBP Napitupulu Yogi Yusuf, who was the wife of the defendant prosecutor Pinangki.

"After I transferred, the proof of transfer, I gave it to Pak Yogi, ordered by Pak Yogi to throw it away. Yes, I will throw it away," Beni said in a trial at the Corruption Crime Court (Tipikor), Central Jakarta, Wednesday, November 18.

But Beni did not explain how much proof of the transfer was disposed of. Beni only said that he had been asked to exchange foreign currency 4-5 times.

Beni also only remembers the request for currency exchanges on May 18. At that time he asked his colleague who is the Bareskrim cleaning service to accompany him.

"(Reason) Whenever the members ask for help, he is ready. If I get close to Dede and meet him outside, I will invite him," he said.

In the foreign exchange, Beni divided 10 thousand United States dollars (US) into two. Part of it was given to Dede to be exchanged for Asian Dollars Money Changer.

"As far as I remember, it was split in two. Because Dollarindo did not agree to change all of it," he said.

After exchanging foreign currency, the money was immediately transferred to an account in the name of Pinangki Sirna Malasari with a nominal value of IDR 147.8 million.

Previously, Beni said that foreign exchange was often done at Dolarasia Money Changer, Melawai. The nominal is in the thousands to tens of thousands of dollars.

"I was asked to exchange foreign currency, namely on the orders of Mr. Yogi because according to him he received a text message or Whatsapp from Mrs. Pinangki," Beni said at the trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, November 18.

Based on Beni's narrative, the nominal foreign currency exchanges were varied in four times. There are three currency exchanges with a nominal value of 10,000 and one exchange of 17,600 United States (US) dollars.

Then, the money that had been exchanged was immediately transferred to two different accounts, namely in the names of Pinangki Sirna Malasari and Pungki Primarini.

"The order is one transfer to the mother's account (Pinangki)," he said

"So one foreign currency, one envelope was asked to transfer part of it to his mother's sister," he continued ending.

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