
SULTENG - Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) lowered four heavy equipment to dredge sedimentation in the Tolai Village River, Torue District.

The effort was made to anticipate flooding in the Parigi Moutong Regency area, Central Sulawesi (Sulteng). Antara, Tuesday, August 16. He explained that the flash flood that hit Torue Village on the evening of July 28, 2022 also submerged East Tolai Village due to overflowing water from the local village's river, therefore to anticipate the aftershocks of flooding, the Parigi Regency Government deployed four heavy equipment to carry out normalization. The effort to normalize the Tolai River is carried out by the Parigi Moutong Regency Government, the Central Sulawesi Government and the Sulawesi River Region III Center (BWSS III). handling upstream, including optimizing the improvement of the Torue river channel," uca . said p Rivai.

What's more, he said, the weather has been erratic lately, so anticipatory steps are deemed necessary so as not to cause widespread impacts when heavy rains pour. According to a study by the local BPBD, Parigi Moutong, one of the areas in Central Sulawesi, is vulnerable to hydrometeorological disasters, especially floods and soil. landslides, because its geographical location has many mountains, slopes and natural paths. Moreover, the intensity of heavy rains with a long duration does not rule out the possibility that floods can occur anywhere and anytime. "These risks must be minimized so that the impact does not threaten the safety of residents , and do not expand and damage infrastructure," he concluded.

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