
JAKARTA - The Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, has again expressed her support for the construction of the new State Capital (IKN) in East Kalimantan. He asked all elements of the nation to participate in building IKN.

This was conveyed by Puan when delivering a speech at the Annual Session and Joint Session of the DPR RI and DPD RI Nusantara Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 16.

"The DPR RI has provided support for the Development of the National Capital. I have conveyed to the government that there must be more intensive socialization related to IKN, what will be done, what is the road map, what are the priorities, how is it developed, how the private sector can participate in IKN development," said Puan.

The capital city of the archipelago, said Puan, is expected to be a driving force for the Indonesian economy in the future.

"Becoming a symbol of national identity, and becoming an ideal world city that can be a reference for the world," said Puan in front of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.

Puan also hopes that the community will support the development of the Nusantara IKN as a national strategic agenda that has been mandated in Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital.

"The National Capital City has become a mandate of the law which will be implemented in accordance with the Roadmap and the Phases of Development, relocation, and administration of regional government specifically for the State Capital," said Puan.

The chairman of the PDIP DPP said that the success of IKN development in addition to requiring good planning and resource management, is also very much determined by the support of all stakeholders and all the nation's children.

According to Puan, this is needed to be in harmony in interpreting IKN as a common agenda in developing Indonesia's economy in the future. In addition, he explained, as a momentum in implementing the paradigm of equitable national development.

"The direction and priorities of future national development agendas require an adequate legal basis to be carried out by every government, so that physical development and national character development can be sustainable in achieving national goals," he explained.

"We need to consult together, to determine the direction of the development of the Indonesian nation and state in the future which can be a reference for all stakeholders," added Puan.

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