
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo mentioned the issue of resolving gross human rights violations at the MPR Annual Session and the Joint Session of the DPR and DPD.

"The resolution of past gross human rights violations continues to be a serious concern for the government," said Jokowi, Tuesday, August 16.

Previously, President Jokowi was committed to guaranteeing the right to protection and recovery for victims of gross human rights violations that occurred in the past. This is one of Jokowi's promises that has been echoed since he was first elected as president in 2014.

However, cases of gross human rights violations, such as the 1965 Incident, Tanjung Priok 1984, Talangsari 1989, 1998 Trisakti, Semanggi I and Semanggi II as well as several other cases of gross human rights violations are still a 'debt' by the government to the Indonesian people.

Even today, according to him, no concrete steps have been taken to resolve these cases fairly and thoroughly.

In fact, Jokowi has signed a Presidential Decree regarding the formation of a team to resolve past gross human rights violations. The follow-up to the findings of past gross human rights violations, said Jokowi, is still being carried out by Komnas HAM.

"I have signed a presidential decree on the formation of a non-judicial resolution team for past gross human rights violations," said Jokowi.

Therefore, a number of laws and regulations are designed to resolve cases of past gross human rights violations.

"The Truth and Reconciliation Commission Bill is in the process of being discussed," said Jokowi.

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