East Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office Escorts IKN Development So There Is No Land Mafia
Deputy Head of the East Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office Amiek Mulandari (right) with Secretary of the IKN Authority Ahmad Jaka Santos during a seminar in Samarinda/ANTARA/M Ghofar


SAMARINDA - The East Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati Kaltim) continues to oversee land acquisition and infrastructure development for the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago. The Attorney General's Office wants to make sure everything goes according to procedure.

"We have overseen the construction of supporting infrastructure for IKN, including land acquisition for Bandungan Sepaku-Semoi, including land acquisition for the Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road," said Deputy Head of the East Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office, Amiek Mulandari, in Samarinda as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 15.

Meanwhile, the escort that has been carried out so far is carried out to prevent and at the same time ensure that there is no land mafia, along with the issue of land mafia in the IKN area, especially in Sepaku District, North Penajam Paser Regency and its surroundings.

He reminded all stakeholders and other related parties to always obey the existing regulations in the work at IKN, because his party continues to supervise the IKN development process.

"Until now we have always provided assistance. Some have been completed and some are still in process, including the Marangkayu Reservoir in Kutai Kartanegara which is still in process. We ensure that all work goes according to the rails," said Wakajati Kaltim.

Amiek continued, the prosecutor's office, apart from being a law enforcement institution in criminal cases, also has civil instruments and is a state administration, so that it participates in overseeing national strategic projects, including the development of IKN.

Wakajati Kaltim also expressed his support for the governance of the implementation of development in IKN, because with a clean implementation, costs can be lower and more investors are interested in investing.

"The high attorney can act inside and outside the court for and on behalf of the state or government. For example, in the tender process and the implementation of development there are deviations both in quality and quantity, of course this has the potential to lead to criminal acts of corruption," he said.

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