
JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) has officially protected Bharada E as a Justice Collaborator (JC). However, according to LPSK, if Bharada E's statement changes, his status can be revoked.

Previously, the Head of LPSK, Hasto Atmojo Suroyo, Bharada E had qualified as JC because he was not the main actor in the case of the death of Brigadier J.

"The first is because he is not the main perpetrator and he has expressed his willingness to provide information to law enforcement officials about various facts and incidents in which he is involved as a criminal," said Hasto Atmojo Suroyo to reporters, Monday, August 15.

Hasto said, Bharada E is willing to reveal clearly related to this crime.

"Even to people who have a much bigger role than him or his superiors in this crime," he said.

LPSK decided that it would officially protect Bharada E as JC. This decision was made after the LPSK met with Bharada E at the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit last Friday. LPSK also conducted an assessment of Bharada E.

Bharada E will receive special treatment to ensure that he can provide true information until the next trial.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of LPSK Edwin Partogi said that the Justice Collaborator status was not a permanent status.

"(JC) It can be revoked and invalidated if the person is then inconsistent in giving his statement," he said.

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