
JAKARTA - Chairman of PAN Zulkifli Hasan said he wanted to support the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno to run again in the 2024 presidential election.

However, Zulhas did not mention in detail whether he supported being a presidential candidate or a vice presidential candidate.

"Last year's presidential election, I supported him, hopefully 2024 can support him again," said Zulhas on the sidelines of the 'Indonesia Retail Summit 2022' at Sarinah Thamrin, Jakarta, Monday, August 15.

It is known, Sandiaga is also the deputy chairman of the Advisory Board of the Gerindra Party DPP.

In response to this, Sandiaga Uno did not comment much. Smiling, he just said that running or not in the next election depends on the permission of the almighty.

"God willing," said Sandi.

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