
JAKARTA - Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission I, Meutya Hafid, said that the arrogant action of a Paspampres member who beat a truck driver in Solo, Central Java was inappropriate. Mayor Gibran Rakabuming was also furious.

"The arrogance of these Paspampres elements is unacceptable and shows that the arrogance of the TNI apparatus is still rampant in the community," said Meutya in a press statement received by Parliament, Monday, August 15.

Meutya said that the arrogance of TNI soldiers towards the community was not the first time this had happened. He then reminded the 8 mandatory TNI that must be implemented in the community.

"This is not the first time an incident like this has happened between the community and the TNI. We remind every member of the TNI to understand and continue to carry out the 8 mandatory TNI which includes being friendly to the people, being polite to the people, and implementing the slogan that is often uttered by the TNI, namely ' Together with the Strong TNI People'," explained the Golkar Party politician.

Meutya also asked the TNI to continue to maintain discipline and professionalism. Bringing up several cases involving members of the TNI, Meutya interpreted that there was a problem in the discipline of soldiers.

"I also ask the TNI to continue to maintain and continue to improve the discipline of the professionalism of the soldiers. Several cases I have heard such as the shooting of a TNI wife by a TNI member's husband, persecution by TNI seniors in Papua shows that there is a problem in the discipline of members," said Meutya.

Furthermore, the legislator for the electoral district (dapil) of North Sumatra I appreciated the TNI's quick response to the incident. Meutya also hopes that the members involved are subject to sanctions.

"We appreciate the quick response from the TNI to these incidents and hope that the TNI will be loved by the people. Yes, (Paspampres members) need to be sanctioned. " continued Meutya.

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