
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will hold the 2022 National Grand Conference at Banteng Square, Central Jakarta this morning. The event was held in order to follow up on the Letter of the Ministry of Home Affairs Number 003.1/4397/SJ regarding the celebration of the 77th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia through the distribution of 10 million red and white flags.

As the inspector of ceremonies, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria stated that the distribution of 10 million red and white flags simultaneously throughout Indonesia was carried out to welcome the 77th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia.

"In order to celebrate the 77th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, through the distribution of 10 million red and white flags, it is deemed necessary to organize an activity that is lively and carries the spirit of patriotism, inspires love for the homeland, and increases the spirit of nationalism for all Indonesian people," " said Riza, Monday, August 15.

Riza said that the Grand National Assembly was a commitment to living and practicing national values, as the basis for society, nation and state.

In addition, it is hoped that it can further strengthen the nation in the midst of the unfinished COVID-19 pandemic, including anticipating the potential increase in other infectious diseases that must be watched out for.

"The government appreciates individuals and community groups through the distribution of 10 million red and white flags, with the idea that the red and white flag is an identity, symbol, and unifying tool for the Indonesian people, which during the month of independence flew throughout the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," said Riza.

Furthermore, Riza said, all the various differences that the Indonesian people have are gifts from God that must be grateful for. These differences require the Indonesian people to know each other, respect each other, and respect each other.

"Interethnic, interreligious, inter-traditional, inter-customary and different regional languages. Therefore, we need to remind each other, lest there be mutual ridicule or reproach among us, because the greatest asset of the Indonesian nation is unity, harmony, and brotherhood," " he added.

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