
JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Deputy Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Raja Juli Antoni handed over a waqf certificate at the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque in Banda Aceh as a form of asset protection with official land administration records.

King Juli in his statement, Monday, August 15, said that the Indonesian people have a long-rooted tradition of Islamic philanthropy, one of which is in the context of waqf for mosques.

"The tradition of Islamic philanthropy in Indonesia has long roots, this tradition is about generosity in Islam, the tradition of sharing, the tradition of working together and caring for the poor, neglected children," said King Juli as quoted by Antara.

However, King Juli noted that sometimes the status of waqf based on virtue is not properly recorded in administration so that it is easily misused and disturbed by irresponsible parties, including the land mafia.

That's why the Ministry of ATR/BPN has a Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program which can also be used to protect waqf land.

He said the Ministry of ATR/BPN cooperated with religious organizations as a form of community involvement in the effort to certify waqf lands.

"Alhamdulillah, with the existence of PTSL, it can be integrated with waqf lands, so that our waqf lands do not fall to irresponsible people and the good intentions of the wakif can become useful charity in the future. This is on the orders of President Jokowi and Pak Minister Hadi so that we at the Ministry of ATR/BPN oversee the certification of these waqf lands," said Raja Juli Antoni.

King Juli distributed eight waqf certificates during his visit to Banda Aceh on Sunday (14/8). On that occasion, the Deputy Grand Imam of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque Tengku Munawir, Pj. Mayor of Banda Aceh H. Bakri Siddiq, Special Staff to the Minister of ATR/BPN Andi Saiful Haq, Head of the Regional Office of the National Land Agency of Aceh Province, Dr. Mazwar, and Head of the Banda Aceh City Land Office, Suria Bakti.

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